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Simmerstyle SX6 boom

Simmerstyle SX6 boom
Simmerstyle SX6 boom
Simmerstyle SX6 boom
Simmerstyle SX6 boom
Simmerstyle SX6 boom
The SX6 presents amazing performance with great stiffness and durability within a T8 alu body and tail extension. The monocoque (one piece) profile gives extraordinary stiffness and strength. The boom head is designed for maximum grip to the mast. With a high friction contact surface against the mast, a robust rope hook and a boom lever that allows you to effortless apply high-tension when securing the boom to its correct position. The double pin lock system provides optimal load distribution and a stiff connection between the boom monoquoe body and tail end, even when maximally extended. All graphics on the EVA are die-cut so no graphics will peel off, even after years of wear n'tear.

SIze / Weight / Diameter
140-200 2,45kg 27mm
160-220 2,7kg 27mm
180-240 2,85kg 29mm
200-260 3,1kg 29mm
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