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Gunsails HY-Wing V2

Gunsails HY-Wing V2
Gunsails HY-Wing V2
Gunsails HY-Wing V2
Gunsails HY-Wing V2
Gunsails HY-Wing V2
After a successful debut of the HY-Series, we proudly present the HY-WING V2.
With plenty of updates the new model will continue to support the all round capabilities of the Wing and allow it to reach a new level of performance. With increased stability, effortless handling and an extended wind range it will be the ideal choice for any Wing Surfing ability.

Size / Wind range/ Height / Width / Weight
3.0 25-45kn 1.6m 2.55m tba
4.0 14-30kn 1.9m 3.03m 2.10kg
5.0 10-25kn 2.1m 3.34m 2.37kg
6.0 <10kn 2.3m 3.71m 2.62kg
Available for order
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